Preliminary assessments

We can advise you on the most appropriate way forward to resolve a specific workplace complaint that has been raised in your workplace. This can involve us having a session with a complainant to assess the complaint and to provide a recommendation on the most appropriate way forward to address the issues, including informal and formal methods. We can also assist you to manage team conflict or other conflict which may not have resulted in a formal workplace complaint.


Workplace Mediation is a process where a trained mediator assists employees who are experiencing conflict to identify the key issues, develop options, consider alternatives and reach some shared agreements about how they will work together moving forward. We conduct individual sessions with each of the employees prior to bringing the employees together (if deemed appropriate after the individual sessions).

Facilitated Conversations

Workplace Facilitated Conversations is a process where a trained mediator assists employees who are having issues in their working relationship to identify the issues, develop options, consider alternatives and reach some shared agreements about how they will work together moving forward. We conduct individual sessions with each of the employees prior to bringing the employees together (if deemed appropriate after the individual sessions).

Emotional intelligence/leadership coaching

For organisations to really thrive, attract and retain exceptional staff, in my view, having emotionally intelligent leaders is at the cutting edge. I offer 1:1 sessions to assist employees/leaders to develop a greater mastery over themselves and their self-awareness, to assist them to maintain their energetic and emotional equilibrium and manage their stress better. Creating psychological safety for one’s team and colleagues is a key component to creating productive and positive teams and work environments.

Conflict Coaching

Conflict coaching involves one on one sessions conducted with an employee who is experiencing conflict in the workplace, but they may not feel comfortable to have a joint session with the other employee.

Cultural Assessments

A productive and engaged team will produce superior outcomes. A cultural assessment is an opportunity to have a “team review” to obtain information from a team of employees about what is working, what is not working, their morale and ideas they may have to improve the working environment. We conduct individual, face to face one on one sessions with each employee in a team and collate, synthesise and analyse the information to feed this back to the organisation, with sage recommendations to address any hot spots and key issues existing within the team.


Assessing & Managing Complaints

We train your team on how to assess and manage complaints and how to determine whether an informal approach (such as a facilitated discussion/mediation/conflict coaching) or a more formal approach (such as a formal complaint resolution process or a formal investigation) is most appropriate in all of the circumstances. Alicia has conducted over 100 workplace investigations and this experience informs her current work. She no longer personally conducts investigations but can refer you to reputable workplace investigators.

Creating a culture of kindness training & Compassionate Leadership training

Discrimination and sexual harassment training done differently. Our focus is on creating a culture of kindness and reminding employees of the key ways to be better humans in the workplace. A culture of kindness within an organisation cultivates employees who feel valued and supported. This leads to greater productivity, retention, innovation and employees and a happier work environment. Compassionate leaders are not weak leaders. They are self-aware leaders who radiate calmness together with dynamic energy who are able to lead teams to unlock their greatest potential.

Emotional intelligence team sessions

For organisations to really thrive, attract and retain exceptional staff, in my view, having emotionally intelligent leaders is at the cutting edge. I offer informal sessions with teams and 1:1 sessions to assist employees/leaders to develop a greater mastery over themselves and their self-awareness, to assist them to maintain their energetic and emotional equilibrium and manage their stress better. Creating psychological safety for one’s team and colleagues is a key component to creating productive and positive teams and work environments.